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Reads & Recommends

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Websites We Love

The Muse - the go-to destination for the next gen workforce to research companies and careers

Mr. Money Mustache - blog from a thirtysomething retiree who now writes about how we can all live a frugal yet Badass life of leisure

Get Bullish - feminism- and justice-minded work talk from Jennifer Dziura, who believes in examining our relationship to corporations 

Paradigm For Parity - a coalition of CEOs, senior executives, founders, board members, and business academics dedicated to addressing the corporate leadership gender gap

Ars Technica - technology news, tech policy analysis, breakdowns of the latest scientific advancements, gadget reviews, software, hardware, and nearly everything else found in between layers of silicon

Forbes Innovation - curated articles from the Forbes writing staff on innovation in business, technology, and culture

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